RTCode.io (formerly SyncHTML.io)

New playground

At Elefunc, we needed a way to edit the live DOM tree without state resets caused by reloads.

CodePen, JSFiddle and their kind were comically bad at meeting our requirements. So we built: SyncHTML.io.

change updates
input → output
SyncHTML CodePen, etc.
HTML 🟢 sync 1ms 🟠 load4s
CSS 🟢 sync 1ms 🟠 sync2s
JS 🟢 sync 1ms
🟠 load 1ms
🟠 load4s
change updates
input ← output
SyncHTML CodePen, etc.
JS ↑
🟢 sync 1ms ❌ impossible

SyncHTML.io is where

  • you use Visual Studio Code
  • to edit DevTools / Elements
  • in real-time, with no reloads!
Our playground is embedded below.

• What you see here is a live demo!
• The demo uses our programmable embeds.
• It is our blog page driving the demo!
• Scroll it into full view to activate.
• Click in one of the panes to take control!
Now click on one of our four icons!

• You will see sync back in action.
• The output will update the input!

See the pain in legacy playgrounds.
CodePen, etc. – nothing but delays ⏳ and resets 🛑!

Inner workings

Legacy playgrounds …

work one-way ( → )
with delays ( ⏳ ),
and resets ( 🛑 ).

After each edit, you wait for up to 4 seconds while they upload your code to their servers. Their bad design garbles up your code and reset-loads it into the output frame. You lose speed, privacy, flow, and hygiene.

⬆️ ❌ CodePen output – arbitrary non-sense 🤮

Next-gen SyncHTML.io …

works two-ways ( ↓ ↑ ),
no delays or resets ( ⚡ )!

You edit the live DOM tree you see in DevTools / Elements. Nothing is ever uploaded to a server. You never wait. Changes sync in real-time from editor to output and back from output to editor. DOM state is preserved between edits. The output has no impurities. You gain speed, privacy, flow, and hygiene.

⬆️ ✔️ SyncHTML.io is 😃 zero-pollution!

Introduced in November 2021

Our playground was born as try.WebPDF.pro.

It was first made for our PDF web components.

A real-time playground
with two-way sync
that preserves state
is priceless for
every web developer.

That's why we are turning it into a full-fledged, independent service.

WebPDF.pro – November 2021
New playground; file IO via handles, source from any origin; page controls.
The blog post introducing try.WebPDF.pro.

Changes in December 2021

SyncHTML domains

We have secured many.
We launch with

  • SyncHTML.io
  • SyncHTML.com ↖

SyncHTMLderived fromWebPDF

A lightning-like S for sync, and <>.

It is derived from our WebPDF.pro logo.

We made it ourselves in our playground!

now persist and keep you in context.

🆕 Panel controls ( )

If you focus the splitter, you get simpler shortcuts.

🆕 Adjust numbers ( / )

by selecting them and pressing arrow keys.

🆕 JavaScript console 📜 ( )

now has a place in the UI.

Our console is zero-pollution.

in output
SyncHTML CodePen JSFiddle
<script> 0 1 1
characters 0 863 4798
541 863 6258
= 1460
+ 4798
variables 0 2
SyncHTML CodePen JSFiddle
counters 4 0 4
styling ✔️

🆕 Add <script>, <style> ( / )

via context menu or keyboard shortcuts.

🆕 Remote output ... ( ) ( / Alt+Q )

opens one new window.

Use multiple external output windows to target multiple viewport sizes and media preferences all at once.

🆕 Paste URL Content ... ( / Alt+U )

to work on existing web assets.

CORS restrictions currently apply.
File System Access is coming next!

🆕 Input curtain ( )

prevents selection loss on focus.

No other playground has this!

🆕 Output sandbox ( )

blocks access to parent window.

🆕 Infinite Loop Guard ♾️ ( )

recovers no matter the source.

infinite loop
in pane
SyncHTML CodePen JSFiddle
JS ✔️ ✔️

🆙 Error handling ( )

indicates issues, such as invalid characters in attribute names (e.g. @), with a red dot 🔴; recovers after user correction.

🆙 Boolean attributes ( )

do not repeat name as value in output.

<video controls></video>